Lama sungguh tak berblog.Sebenarnya dah lupa email and password, siap nak create akaun baru lagiii...Test2 aje tadi, nasib memang menyebelahi. Semangat nak menulis timbul semula bila mana sejak akhir-akhir ini banyak sungguh kejadian yang diluar jangkaan berlaku. So here we go, again.
Let's start with my first experience of carrying my first child. It is definitely something that I never expect and a miracle to me. I only knew about my own pregnancy on the fifth month. Just imagine, me, live a normal live, not knowing that I am carrying another life in my womb. You better believe it!
Once I knew that I am pregnant, the routine had change. I have to see a doctor regularly, taking vits, drink more milk, eat more than usual, check ups, bla2.. at that moment, needles and injections are my truly friend. Haha. Well, as a results of eating more than usual, I gain MORE weight, and yes, I was confirmed with diabetic. Yeay! And, I had to undergo a test called MGTT to monitor my sugar level and it has to be taken every fortnight. Skip la.. I hate to remember those stupid test. Lol.
Not like other couples, my husband and I only have to wait for 4 months until the birth of our son which fall on Friday morning, 9th March 2012. Yes, as Allah permitted, I had experienced a normal childbirth, so normal, I don't have to undergo a process called 'induce'. Alhamdulillah.
Discharge from Putrajaya Hospital, we went back to my hometown. After 3 days, Izz Sufie level of jaundice increased to 313 and were taken to HOSHAS. After 3 days and 2 nights, his photo reading decrease and were allowed to go home. He still need to undergo a blood test for jaundice reading level, and on one fine day, a few days after discharge from hospital, he was admitted at NICU, again. Well, thank God this time around, he is able to breastfeed more and as a result, he is allowed to discharge the next day. Yiiihaaa...
Oh. I forgot to mention about the right leg. It is the situation called 'club foot' [read here:].. It is a common birth defect, occurring in about one in every 1,000 live births. PJH Orthopedist insist to put a cast as an early correction and treatment and he need to wear it for 3 weeks. Sufie had to undergo a checkup every 3 months. As for now, doctor still cannot confirm whether he is positive with clubfoot or not. Just imagine, dah la jaundice, kaki pulak kena cast. Azab betul sikecik ini :)
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